Event loops have existed for a long time, from Nginx to Node.js to Redis event loops are present everywhere and for good reason, event loops provide an efficient way to implement high-performance systems.

In this post, we will be implementing a simple single-threaded TCP echo server that uses an event loop to handle multiple connections.

I am assuming you are familiar with what an event loop is(you should be if you’re reading this post :P) and have some basic understanding of network programming.

Async I/O

The gist of async I/O is that it does I/O in a non-blocking way, the server won’t block while waiting for data on a socket. The kernel provides us with a bunch of primitives to achieve async I/O.


kqueue is an event notification API provided by the kernel and is supported in macOS and other BSDs. Linux and windows have similar APIs namely epoll and IOCPs respectively, they have different API than that of kqueue but achieve a similar result.

Before kqueue and epoll we had poll and select but they are not as efficient as the new APIs.

The kqueue API

We have 2 syscalls to interact with the kqueue API.

  1. kqueue() creates a new queue and returns a file descriptor.
  2. kevent() has two uses, it can be used to register new events and to poll for new events.

An event has the following structure:

struct kevent {
    uintptr_t   ident;		/* identifier for this event */
    short     filter;		/* filter for event */
    u_short   flags; 		/* action flags for kqueue */
    u_int     fflags; 		/* filter flag value */
    int64_t   data; 		/*   filter data value */
    void      *udata;		/* opaque user data identifier */
    uint64_t  ext[4];		/* extensions */

We use the above structure to create a new event and then register that event using the kevent() syscall.

Let’s go over different fields of the event structure:

  1. ident - Holds the file descriptor which we want to monitor.
  2. filter - Used to describe the event we want to listen to, eg:- read, write, etc.
  3. flags - Used to describe what we want to do with the event, eg:- add to queue or remove from the queue, etc.
  4. fflags - Filter specific flags.
  5. udata - Arbitrary used defined data.
  6. ext - Extended data passed to and from the kernel.

If you want detailed documentation on kqueue, the official man page is a great resource.

Writing the Event Loop

Note: Because I am using a mac, I will be using kqueue to implement the event loop and as a result, the code will not work on Linux or Windows systems.

Full code can be found here.

type Socket struct {
    fd int

type Server struct {
    socket *Socket

We have a Socket type that holds the file descriptor to the socket and we have a Server type that holds the socket on which the server will listen for new connections.

func NewServer(host string, port int) (*Server, error) {
    fd, err := syscall.Socket(syscall.AF_INET, syscall.SOCK_STREAM, syscall.IPPROTO_TCP)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    socket := &Socket{fd: fd}
    addr := syscall.SockaddrInet4{
        Port: port,
    copy(addr.Addr[:], net.ParseIP(host))
    syscall.Bind(socket.fd, &addr)

    err = syscall.Listen(socket.fd, syscall.SOMAXCONN)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &Server{socket: socket}, nil

Here we are doing a few things, first, we are creating a new socket, syscall.AF_INET means that we are using ipv4, syscall.SOCK_STREAM means that we want a connection-oriented socket, syscall.IPROTO_TCP marks that the socket will be a TCP socket.

syscall.Socket returns a file descriptor to the new socket, we then bind the socket to the host and port passed by the client.

syscall.Listen might look like we are listening on the newly created socket but instead it marks the socket as a passive socket, meaning that this socket will be used for accepting new connections.

We also have a few helper methods for the Server and Socket types which are pretty self-explanatory.

// Close closes the server socket
func (s *Server) Close() error {
    return syscall.Close(s.socket.fd)

func (s *Socket) Fd() int {
    return s.fd

The EventLoop Type

type EventLoop struct {
    kqueueFd int
    sockFd   int

The EventLoop type holds the file descriptors for the kqueue and the server socket.

func NewEventLoop(sockFd int) (*EventLoop, error) {
    kqueueFd, err := syscall.Kqueue()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    loop := &EventLoop{kqueueFd: kqueueFd, sockFd: sockFd}

    socketEvent := syscall.Kevent_t{
        Ident:  uint64(loop.sockFd),
        Filter: syscall.EVFILT_READ,
        Flags:  syscall.EV_ADD | syscall.EV_ENABLE,

    r, err := syscall.Kevent(loop.kqueueFd, []syscall.Kevent_t{socketEvent}, nil, nil)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if r == -1 {
        return nil, errors.New("failed to register socket with kqueue")

    return loop, nil

There are a lot of things happening here, let’s go step by step.

  1. First we are creating a new kqueue using syscall.Kqueue which will return the file descriptor this new kqueue.
  2. Then we are instantiating a new kqueue event using the syscall.Kevent_t struct.
  3. Then we are registering the above event with the kqueue using syscall.Kevent.

The Important thing to note is that syscall.Kevent is used to both register events and poll for events as we will see in a moment.

syscall.Kevent has the following signature:

syscall.Kevent(kqueueFileDescriptor, listOfEventsToRegister, listOfReadyEvents, timeout)
func (e *EventLoop) Start() {
    for {
        events := make([]syscall.Kevent_t, 1)
        numEvents, err := syscall.Kevent(e.kqueueFd, nil, events, nil)

        if err != nil {

        for i := 0; i < numEvents; i++ {
            event := events[i]
            eventFd := int(event.Ident)

            if event.Flags&syscall.EV_EOF != 0 {
            } else if eventFd == e.sockFd {
                sockFd, _, err := syscall.Accept(eventFd)
                if err != nil {

                sockEvent := syscall.Kevent_t{
                    Ident:  uint64(sockFd),
                    Filter: syscall.EVFILT_READ,
                    Flags:  syscall.EV_ADD | syscall.EV_ENABLE,

                r, err := syscall.Kevent(e.kqueueFd, []syscall.Kevent_t{sockEvent}, nil, nil)

                if err != nil || r == -1 {
            } else if event.Filter&syscall.EVFILT_READ != 0 {
                buf := make([]byte, 1024)

                n, err := syscall.Read(eventFd, buf)
                if err != nil {
                syscall.Write(eventFd, buf[:n])

This is the main event loop, let’s go through the code step by step.

  1. We create a new loop and use syscall.Kevent to poll for new events. The events slice will be populated by new events and the number of new events will be returned by syscall.Kevent.
  2. We then loop over all the events in the events slice and process them one by one.
  3. If the event is for a file descriptor that has been closed by ANDing event.Flags and syscall.EV_EOF and we close the file descriptor.
  4. If the eventFd is equal to the sockFd this means that there is an event on our server socket and since we marked our server socket as passive using syscall.Listen this means that there is a new connection. We then accept the new connection using syscall.Accept and register this file descriptor with the kqueue.
  5. Lastly if there is a file descriptor that is ready to be read we read the data into a buffer and write it back, hence creating an echo server.


This is a basic event loop that only listens for connections on a single socket. Production-ready event loops can listen to many types of events(file I/O, timers, etc.) but the basic concept remains the same under the hood.
